Yesterday we extended an invitation to our neighbor, M and her son O to join us for a little afternoon playtime. It was wonderful to relax with the boys and catch up on our gossip. The boys are at the age now that they are beginning to interact more while playing. They still don't play TOGETHER, but they will pause in their own play to check out what the other is doing and occasionally give some input. It's too cute!!
They were here for about 1.5 hours. It always helps the afternoon go more quickly when you've got some friends to help you lose track of the time.
Today we got an email from K asking for the name(s) of any landscapers we might recommend. I took the opportunity to relay the name of our "yard guy". I have learned to respond to any email asking for help, even if I don't really have any help to give. It's always nice to let people know that although you may not be able to help at the moment, you may be able to help them out later.
I inquired if we would be seeing them tomorrow at the neighborhood playgroup and she responded that they were definitely going to make it. She then invited us to meet them at the local park as they were about to leave the house. We couldn't make it for about an hour but we let her know that we would be there.
On the way I called L and told her that we were on the way to the park if she wanted to meet K and I there. She said she'd love to and to give her about 20 minutes. We all met up and the kids had a good time exploring the park.
While we were there, D made himself a new friend, Luke. Luke is about 9 years old and loved talking to D. I say talking TO D because D can't exactly talk WITH him. It was so cute to see him interacting with an older boy. You could tell he was loving the attention!!!

L and I kicked around some get together ideas for this summer: dollar movies, first Tuesdays at the museum, zoo visits, toddler storytimes. I'm really going to enjoy hanging out with her, I can already tell!
Tomorrow is a busy play day for us, we have a morning play group and an afternoon bouncehouse playdate. Should be fun!!!
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