We started the day with a 10 AM playdate near our church. We discovered that the hostess will be enrolling her son in the church's pre-k3 program at the same time as D. We have met classmate #2!!!! J is only 9 months old. It seems weird that D will be in a class with kids almost one full year younger than him. He misses the age cut-off by a mere 4 days!! I've heard that is actually going to be better for him, as boys tend to need an extra year to mature. Hmmmm......that explains a lot.
Anyway, back to the playgroup. We had a lot of new faces this time. I met one lady, E, who has a 14 month old son, P. She talked with me and L about her daughter's adoption and then her surprise pregnancy 6 years later. Sounds a lot like my parents. They adopted both my sister and brother and then 6 years later I came along!
I got her email addy and sent her the list of upcoming playdates for the group. I hope to see her again soon. She was very nice and interesting to talk with.
After lunch and a nap we were off to the bouncehouse meetup. This one was re-scheduled due to the rain last week. We were the first to get there and D made himself at home exploring the backyard. At first the clouds kept the sun from melting us but before long the sun was back out in full force. We had some good photo-ops of the boys in the bouncehouse before retreating indoors.
Once inside the last lady showed up and joined us upstairs in the play room. We chatted about haircuts (for the boys), shoes (for the boys), and various solid foods they'd recently tried. It was good to hear that D isn't so far behind on the solid foods. Sometimes you see little babies eating chicken nuggets and such and wonder, "Should he be eating stuff like that?" It's a personal preference that he not eat fast food, but it's also paranoia on my part. I'm TERRIFIED of him choking!!
We made plans to meet at R's house for some outside swim play on Friday and I am really looking forward to it. There will only be three of us, all with boys aged 14-20 months, so it will be a lot of fun! I think I will really get along with at least one of these gals.
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