Instead, we stayed home and invited M and O over for a last minute swimming get together. The boys were both having a blast until the Polaris sweeper came a'creeping up on O and brushed his leg. O screamed like a little girl and started crying and clinging onto his momma! M and I couldn't help but laugh, we know all too well that feeling you get when something foreign brushes past your arm or leg. Don't even get me started on my extreme fear of spiders; they are ALL KINDS of creepy!
Anyway, we tried to persuade him that the Polaris sweeper is not the devil. M took him to the end of the pool where the Polaris was hard at work deep underwater. O was leery and didn't even really want to look at the thing! D and I swam over to it and I faked a few kicks to it and that didn't even seem to help.
We decided to call it a day and M suggested we retreat to their house for some afternoon play in the AC. Good call! After a quick change by both of us we met them at their house. I brought some Blue Bell ice cream to help O feel better. It worked!
We talked about going to lunch next week as a belated birthday date for myself. We'll have to see how our calendars synch.
I think I may have a new reader as of today. If that's the case then this picture is for you:
I got an invite to a girl's afternoon at the movies next week. The invitee sent an email to a group of us "regulars", in her words, inviting us to go see the new Sex and the City movie at Studio Movie Grill. I HATE THAT I HAVE TO MISS THIS!!!! There's just no way for me to manage neice is graduating from elementary school the same afternoon and I already promised her mom I would go. Ugh!
Oh well, I'm happy to know that I am now considered a "regular". :D
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