We weren't the first to arrive, can you believe it??? We brought our s'mores pie in and got many compliments on how yummy it looked. The hostess got the first piece and said it was still nice and warm. Yeah!!
I talked with L for a bit about teaching. She is due in August and is currently teaching first grade. We got interrupted a few times by a toddler or two but had a good chat, nonetheless. Once D saw some of the other boys playing with blocks he was ready to get in the mix so we took the 3 boys upstairs where the bigger kid toys were. There was a Little Tykes inflatable "house" of balls that D just went nuts over.
Another hit was the plush Brobee doll. D is a HUGE Yo Gabba Gabba fan and toted that doll around for a good while. Another boy joined us shortly after and I've got to say the boys played well together. M would get upset if anyone took his toy but had no problem taking toys from others. This kind of irks me, but I know it's just human nature. G was teething so he was a little cranky but he held his own all right.
We had a little girl join us along with her mom and 7-week old brother. He was soooooo cute and tiny! I even got to hold him momentarily while his mom went down to fix a plate. D got a little jealous and wanted me to hold him but he was a really sweet boy about it. He even gestured that he wanted to hold the baby, too. I've got to admit, this helped ease my baby #2 fears a bit.
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