
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Know when to hold em!

While D is napping I usually hop onto FB and catch up with my "friends". Today I came across a link that one of the meetup gals wrote about our group. It was very complimentary and funny in parts. The end is what stopped me and made me think...

She mentioned one of the ladies in our group is her best friend. Now, I have hung out with R many, many times and she's never alluded to the closeness between the two of them, so this leaves me this the total truth and I've just been oblivious to it and if so, have I said anything bad about her BFF?

There have been numerous playgroups that we have gone to where this BFF was present and I never got the feeling that they were overly friendly. I know they have hung out without the kids and done things together but it didn't seem like BFF chemistry. There have been plenty of times that I have bitten my tongue around said BFF b/c she irks me in one way or another. We just don't click!

Does this mean that my perception of R is skewed? If she can be BFF's with someone that rubs me the wrong way perhaps I don't really know her. This is a conundrum, folks. Maybe I am overthinking this "situation"?

So, what do you think, dear readers? Anyone have any words of advice for me??

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