That's right, Boston!! We were so ready to get out of this heat and go somewhere a bit cooler. The weather was WONDERFUL! Temps in the 80's. Ahhh...Almost cool enough for long sleeves. Ha!
We did the Freedom Trail and had an excellent guide, Michael. He is a college history professor who forgoes the dramatics in lieu of the academic. He was very informative and we had a great time on the tour. D slept for the first 20 minutes but woke up once we arrived at Paul Revere's grave.
We had an obligatory visit to North End and had a delectable meal at a little place called, Trattoria Il Panino. The two lady waitresses just fell in love with D and made the experience that much more enjoyable.
My parents picked us up and drove us to Rhode Island for a short visit with my relatives there. We had a lovely lunch/dinner at a cousin's house and all the family came. This was their first time to meet D and they all (of course) loved him.
Once we got home I found an email in my inbox from my neighbor, M. She is hosting a bridal shower for a friend this coming weekend and asked me if I could bake the desserts for her. I am flattered. I know that she loves when I bake because she always gets to try whatever I have made. The fact that she would think of me to provide the dessert for a bridal shower is pretty cool!
I spent Monday brainstorming. Here is what I came up with:
After we discussed my ideas I was ready to go shopping. A quick trip to Mike's and we were good to go.
I spent Tuesday afternoon making these:
Tuesday evening I had a burst of energy and I decided to make these:
I must be honest though, I actually decorated them today. I had some of these big sugar balls sitting around from D's baptism party and decided to add them to the top. Cute, no?
I've also been working on D's birthday party that is next weekend. I'll post pictures of some of those crafts after the bridal shower baking is finished.
We've got a busy month this month. I'll try to keep up, I promise, but don't hold my feet to the fire, ok??
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