The submarine was a big hit!
Notice D eyeing the Toy Story figures??? Ha!
We started by reading "Ladybug Girl at the Beach". A little long for the little ones to sit through, but they managed to walk around and check out the pictures. We danced to The Surfari's "WipeOut" to simulate the ocean's waves.
Next we read "Just Grandma and Me" about a trip to the beach. A nice short read. The kids liked this one. I dumped out a big bag of shells, all different shapes, sizes and colors and the kids took turns holding them, smelling them and of course, A had to put his in his mouth!!
It was then time to make the day's craft: ocean in a bottle. The kiddos crowded around the picnic table and the mom's helped them assemble the craft. It was a real success.
After all that fun it was snacktime. I made pb&j sandwiches cut in the shape of fish, goldfish and sugar cookies with apple juice boxes. They all sat at the picnic table and ate their snacks. SO CUTE!
The crafts are in the middle of the table.
We took a few (hundred) group photos, as they were all wearing their camp t-shirts. Some of the shots were in front of the sub and some were all 6 kids on the couch holding hands. Precious!
Check back later for today's report!!
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