This time we read "Shark Mad Stanley" as it talks about caring for a pet and the kids got to take home a fish with them. They listened to about half the story before the entire audience consisted of the moms. The kids defected and played inside the sub!
We sang a couple of songs, including a version of BINGO using NEMO as the name. The kids liked this one and D even clapped along. I caught him later in the day sitting on the couch with the song sheet in his hand, rocking and "singing" the songs. SO cute!!
Next we did our craft: coloring book of ocean animals. The kids sat around the picnic table and shared the crayons. D didn't color at all. He just hid his crayons under his coloring book. G, our only girl, spent the most time at the table. Such a girl!!
After reassembling the kiddos we had a small awards ceremony. Each child got a personalized tote bag of goodies, and an award. I made each award something special for each child. The awards were:
D- for being a wonderful host
G- for surviving a week with 5 boys
G- for making the best whale-in-a-bag
O- for making the submarine a convertible (he punched out the windows on day one)
X- for dilligent submarine duties (he refused to get out!)
A- for being brave enough to eat a starfish
Inside their bags were the following: baggie of goldfish, 2 plastic toy fish, 1 seashell, their coloring book, their whale-in-a-bag, their fingerpainted fish and a photo of the whole group on day one.
The kids knew just what to do during the awards ceremony. They waited until their name was called and then came up and got their award and bag. We all got a good laugh out of it.
And then, look what I got from the moms!!
They like me, they really like me!!
Before they left, they got to check out their fish and I explained the general care to the moms. The kids were so excited!!!
This week was a GREAT success and we are already planning another one in October. I'm thinking, "Camp Out". What do you think???
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