Anyway, today I was able to wash AND fold the laundry, unload the **now working!!** dishwasher, load it up again, eat lunch and write this here entry before the little man woke up. If I finish this post, it'll be a miracle.
I call these bursts of chore-chopping my Supermom moments. They are few and far between and require some sort of sugar intake to initiate the cleaning frenzy that ensues. This made me think about different ways we can all be called supermoms.
When I look at the mom friends that I have I can certainly assign each mom the title Supermom for one reason or another. So here's my tribute to my Supermom friends:
AM is Supermom for being a Green Momma. She recycles and cloth diapers.
K is Supermom for keeping her and G busy, busy, busy and so well-rounded in their activities!
K is Supermom for always volunteering for things with a smile and always remembering birthdays and other important dates.
L is Supermom for reminding me not to hover over D and just let him do his own thing.
M is Supermom for rearing her child her own way, and not being afraid to ask for a little help when needed.
R is Supermom for always looking for fun things to do with G.
S is Supermom for choosing to stay home with her almost 4 month old while babysitting another 4 month old. BRAVE!
S is Supermom for making it ANYWHERE on time, despite having 2 kids under the age of 2 to corral and get ready.
So, for all you Supermom's I know, this little award is for you! Feel free to copy-paste it, print it out on sticky paper and wear it around whenever you are having a Supermom kind of day!

and PS- I typed, saved AND posted this entry before the little man woke up!!
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