*Monday the 21st- we had a pool party here at our house for my meetup group. Five ladies came out including R, AM and G. G is the one who I was totally in love with a few weeks back! She never returned my invite to get together after that first playdate so I haven't tried again. She seemed pretty open to hanging out at the pool playdate so I'll try inviting her and X out again.
Tuesday the 22nd- Meetup at AM's. This was a morning playdate with breakfast. YUM! We brought salsa and D liked eating the eggs and cheese. We met S and her daughter P at this playdate. She lives very close to me so I've got to get a feel for her personality.
Wednesday the 23rd- My niece R came to stay the night and we met R and G at the Studio Movie Grill for a little lunch and movie. G didn't do too well with sitting still so we left early. R helped me put together D's birthday save-the-dates.
Thursday the 24th- neighborhood group met at the splashpark. The DMN got a photo of me and D playing in the water and it was on the FRONT PAGE of Friday's edition!!!
Friday the 25th- our first ever neighborhood baby bounce playdate here at our house. We kicked off a new playdate idea and it was a HUGE success!! We have decided to have one every week this summer as long as we have hosts willing to brave the crowds that will inevitably show up.
Sunday the 26th- L and A met us at the club pool for some swim time. She invited us to meet her at the arboretum today to visit the petting zoo that is set up.
Monday the 27th- We met L and A at the arboretum and had fun brushing the goats, petting the lamb, watching the cow eat and gently petting the rabbit. A short cool down in the fountain and some stick hunting and the day is complete!!
We have plans to meet R and A Wednesday afternoon at the Galleria play area.
You have been busy! I love the splashpark pictures! Very cute!