We went ahead and journeyed to storytime anyway. We ran into S, the neighborhood lady who was on modified bedrest. She had her baby two weeks ago today and was ready to get out of the house. Brave woman: a 17 month old and a two week old. Needless to say, she didn't stay long.
When we got home I turned my attention to the kitchen. More specifically, the refrigerator. It's been in desperate need of a clean down and some reorganizing. I got the inspiration from the following blog that I just LOVE: http://lesscakemorefrosting.blogspot.com
If you are a crafty lady, I encourage you to check it out! She gave me the idea to make a felt board game of some sort.
Anyway, back to the fridge. My FIL came and played with D so he was out of my hair while I scrubbed, washed, organized and threw out a bunch of expired stuff. Here's the before:
And here's the after:
Now I can see what's in the veggie drawer so I'm not buying more and more zucchini while perfectly good zucchini rots at the bottom of the crisper drawer. I am so in love with it now!!!
Since L and I are business trip widows tonight we decided to meet up and take the kids out for dinner. Nothing fancy, just the mall food court, but at least it's out of the house, right?
After an elegant meal courtesy of Chick-fil-A we took the boys to the outdoor courtyard and D got to run off some energy. Just in time to get him all pooped out for bed! He had a blast kicking the little soccer ball, running through the grass and smelling the flowers. What a boy!