You can find my Community Helpers Summer Camp series over at Design Dazzle this summer. Make sure to keep checking their site to see yours truly!! (and to get some great ideas for other summer camps, too!)
In the meantime, I want to share a cute project that I just completed. I made these super cute silhouettes of Dominic and Jillian to add to the upstairs hallway outside their rooms.
Cute, right??
I simply took a photo (or 25) of each kid looking to the side. I bet you can guess which one was easier to convince to cooperate. Then I got into photoshop and used the magnet tool to highlight the background of the photo and turned it all white. Then by some stroke of luck I was able to paint the inside (the silhouette) black and viola! There you have it!!
I printed them 5x7 size, cut them out and tacked them onto some colored paper. I like the contrast between the silhouette and the colored background with the white mat in the frame. Plus, they go with the decor of the kid's rooms. (and no, I didn't plan to have blue for a boy and pink for a girl, it just sort of happened.)
Now, back to pinterest to see what other goodies I can find to work on....